love the way you lie歌词

2023-03-27 21:00:56 流行歌曲 来源:网络整理 阅读模式

歌词之家收录love the way you lie歌词,Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,Well that's alright because ...大家一起来看下love the way you lie歌词吧。

love the way you lie歌词

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,

Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and here me cry,

Well that's alright because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie

It's either one thing or the other

We either love or we hate each other,we both know that it ain't right

I try to leave but I can't undo this,cause I'm addicted to your bullets

I'm hanging on the edge of suicide.

And you can tell me I mean nothing to ya

But I know better cause I see right through ya

You know you got me right where you want

I didn't know that your kiss was poison

But now I'm in too deep to try to control it

I'm a prisoner of my own life...

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,

Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and here me cry,

Well that's alright because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie,I love the way you lie...

I can't tell you what it really is,one minute I'm feelin it the next I'm not

It's like one minute you're cold and the next you're hot

I'm always chasin the paper you claim I'm chasin fame

If things ain't going right I always take the blame

We chasin paper planes,I'm tryin to read between the lines

Fabricated the truth,tryin to see between the lies

It's killin me inside

I'm tryin not to let it show

Been holdin on for too long not tryin to let it go

My hearts getting cold,can you feel the breezes?

Everything we built bout to fall can we change the seasons?

Can't explain the reasons only make excuses

Sayin we in love with each other but portray a nuisance

Save your two cents unless you're tryin to make some change

Only makin love no more makin complaints

Yeah,and no matter what I say inside

I love the way you lie...

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,

Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and here me cry,

Well that's alright because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie

Yeah we try to alter egos,she loves my alter ego

So it seems though the good guy is finito

Bleed slow she knows when I'm in cognito

I'm only givin small talk like Danny Devito

Shoulder colder than 20below,Can't feel nun

I'm like a Spartan on defence,my shields up

I feel stuck like I'm swimming in the deep end

Tryin to seep my head a float but can't breathe in

One minute it's all good it's all love

Next minute we fightin finger pointin it's all done

Feelin like the wrong one no more soul mates

Who will be the first to give in or is it too late

I don't know,all I know is I won't go

She got a heart of gold and I'm not letting go

Uh and while inside I'm fightin pride

I love the way you lie...

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,

Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and here me cry,

Well that's alright because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie

类似爱情歌词 流行歌曲


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