
2023-08-02 23:33:41 经典歌曲 来源:网络整理 阅读模式

歌词之家收录stereophonics, 作曲 : Kelly JonesSunnyLeft late in the rain from the cityShe lived by the seaSte...大家一起来看下stereophonics吧。


作曲 : Kelly Jones


Left late in the rain from the city

She lived by the sea

Stepped onto the train at the station

To where we said we'd meet

A slow bar with a gin and a jukebox

Where she likes to go

The rain stops every time that I see her

Every time for sure

All right now All right now

Sunny, you're so sunny

With no money, it's so funny

Who needs a money, it's so sunny

And you feel like summer

Sunny, you're so sunny

With no money, it's so funny

Who needs a money

When it's so sunny

You just feel like summer

I don't know where you came from

I don't know what's going on

The morning I could be long gone

If you feel like it

Right or wrong it feels so good

And you just don't know if you could

And everyone's misunderstood

And feel like summer nights

Summer nights~~

不将就 李荣浩 经典歌曲

不将就 李荣浩

歌词之家收录不将就 李荣浩,不将就歌词不将就 - 李荣浩 (Ronghao Li)词:李荣浩/黄伟文曲:李荣浩编曲:Edward Chan制作人:李荣浩那时候 我以为爱的是生活也算懂得 什...大家一起来看下不将就 李荣浩吧。
出山花粥 经典歌曲


歌词之家收录出山花粥,出山歌词出山 - 花粥/王胜娚词:花粥曲:花粥合作音乐人:王胜男音乐制作:BachBeats录音师:种旭混音/母带处理:钻石狗音乐工作室(北京)专辑封面设计:姜...大家一起来看下出山花粥吧。
告白气球歌词 经典歌曲


歌词之家收录告白气球歌词,告白气球歌词告白气球 - 周杰伦 (Jay Chou)词:方文山曲:周杰伦编曲:林迈可塞纳河畔 左岸的咖啡我手一杯 品尝你的美留下唇印的嘴花店玫瑰 名字写错谁告...大家一起来看下告白气球歌词吧。
伤心地铁歌词 经典歌曲


歌词之家收录伤心地铁歌词,伤心地铁歌词抛开那盟约 和你四目相接想必你的眼里 应该隐瞒着更多的细节他想必狂野 让你对我坚心拒绝他会陪你过今夜 他也许就在这列车的某一节凭一种 男人的直觉 去...大家一起来看下伤心地铁歌词吧。