holy grail中文歌词

2023-09-07 09:05:40 网络歌曲 来源:网络整理 阅读模式

歌词之家收录holy grail中文歌词,You’d take the clothes off my backAnd I let youYou’d steal the food right out my...大家一起来看下holy grail中文歌词吧。

holy grail中文歌词

You’d take the clothes off my back

And I let you

You’d steal the food right out my mouth

And I watch you eat it

I still don't know why

Why our love is so much


You curse my name

In spite to put me to shame

Air all my laundry in the streets

Dirty or clean

Give it up for fame

But I still don't know why

Why I love it so much


And Baby

It's amazing I'm in this maze with you

I just can't crack the code

One day you screaming you love me loud

The next day you're so cold

One day you here, one day you there, one day you care

You're so unfair sipping from the cup

Till it runneth over, Holy Grail

Blue told me to remind you ******

**** that **** y'all talk about

I'm the *****, caught up in all these lights and cameras

But look what that **** did to Hammer

God-damnit it I like it

The bright lights is enticing

But look what it did to Tyson

All that money in one night

30 mill for one fight

But soon as all the money blows, all the pigeons take flight

**** the fame, keep cheating on me

What I do, I took her back, fool me twice

That's my bad, I can't even blame her for that

Enough to make me wanna murder, Momma please just get my bail

I know nobody to blame

Kurt Cobain, I did it to myself

And we all just entertainers

And we're stupid, and contagious

And we all just entertainers

And Baby

It's amazing I'm in this maze with you

I just can't crack the code

One day you screaming you love me loud

The next day you're so cold

One day you here, one day you there, one day you care

You're so unfair sipping from the cup

Till it runneth over, Holy Grail

Now I got tattoos on my body

Psycho ******* in my lobby

I got haters in the paper

Photo shoots with paparazzi

Can't even take my daughter for a walk

See them by the corner store

I feel like I'm cornered off

Enough is enough

I'm calling this off

Who the **** I'm kidding though?

I'm getting high

Sitting low

Sliding by

In that big body

Curtains all in my window

This fame hurt

But this chain works

I think back

You asked the same person

If this is all you had to deal with

***** deal with

It, this **** ain't work

This light work

Camera snapping, my eyes hurt

****** dying back where I was birthed

**** your iris and IRS

Get the hell up off of your high horse

You got the **** that ****** die for

Dry yours

Why you mad

Take the good with the bad

Don't throw that baby out with the bath water

You're still alive

Still that *****

****** you survived

You still getting bigger *****

Living the life

Vanilla wafers

In a villa

Illest ***** alive

Michael Jackson thriller

And Baby

It's amazing I'm in this maze with you

I just can't crack the code

One day you screaming you love me loud

The next day you're so cold

One day you here, one day you there, one day you care

You're so unfair sipping from the cup

Till it runneth over, Holy Grail

You get the air of my lungs whenever you need it

You take the blade right out of my heart just so you can watch me bleeding

I still don’t know why

Why I love you so much


And you play this game in spite to drive me insane

I got it tatooed on my sleeve forever in ink with guess who’s name

But I still don't know why

Our love is so much

And baby

It's amazing I'm in this maze with you

I just can't crack your code

One day you screaming you love me loud

The next day you're so cold

One day you here, one day you there, one day you care

You're so unfair sipping from your cup

Till it runneth over, Holy Grail

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